Tuesday, May 28, 2013

When I think about Empires, it takes me to the Eurasian empires of the classical era. All of Persia, Greece under Alexander the Great, Rome and China. What was so amazing about this, is how Alexander the Great even though considerably out numbered, defeated the Persian army. How he did this is still a mystery with such few men.  I have Persian friends, and still today they talk about this moment in time about Persian what is now called "Iran."

Rome with their political system and values, took control over the western Mediterranean. Rome had brought the ancient civilizations of Greece, Egypt, and Mesopotamia under Roman domination. Including Spain, France and Britain. Rome at had reached its maximum extent. Rome went from City-State to an Empire. Amazing when I read about how this city rags-to-riches all came about. When I think about Rome today, it kind of reminds me of how America is being ran. At the end, it has been the Roman that has provided possibly the template for thinking about the "Political Life."

Monday, May 27, 2013

From Paleolithic to Ancient Civilizations

It is amazing to me how far we have come; intrigued by evolution from the beginnings of human migration out of Africa 100,000 Years ago to Ancient civilization. I'm intrigued how just in our own back yard in Santa Barbara, California we had the Chumash that lived along the coast.  The Chumash are more of a representation of those later post-Ice Age Paleolithic peoples, who settled in permanent villages. It is very important to know the history of the "Paleolithic" era. Today, we rely on agriculture and is very important today as it was back in the "Neolithic" times.

We as humans must learn to live with what the world has to offer. I believe we need to pay a little more attention in today's society on how our "World" is evolving as a planet, and what the world has to offer today. During 3000 B.C.E. - 10,000 B.C.E was the time of the first farmers and the revolution of the Agriculture. I think the world is changing and we are in interesting times. Back then the world had plenty of vegetation and not many humans. I was amazed to learn that, due to the Agricultural Revolution, this led to an increase in human population. Our climate is constantly changing and what climate takes away it gives back. Hence, we must evolve on how to find new food sources. Which leads to my next view on human kind or The emergence of Civilizations.

When I was a little girl, my father took me to a town called "Merida", this town is located in the Yucatan. While we were visiting this town of Merida, I remember taking daily walks and hikes to a certain rocky temple, as a child would describe form their view eyes. I remember, walking up this long tall stairs and what we now know it as "Chitzen Itza." All, I remember is those big red aunts walking up and down my legs... Funny, what you remember, I must of been about 7 years old. My family is from Mexico. My father is from Tizapan, Jalisco and my mother is from Mexico City. Both of my parents ancestors come from one of these "Old Civilizations", Mayan and Aztec Indian. I have always been interesting in really learning more about my ancestry mostly the Mayan. I have gone back to see more temples in Tikal and Merida. I have briefly read about the Mayan but never really knew how this civilization came to be.

What is important to me is to know is the Mayan had their own Mayan script or writing. Their calendar is very important today as it was back then. Their ancient writing is still used in the Yucatan today in remote regions. This I hold very dear to me, because although the whole Mayan civilization was almost wiped out through diseases, famine and rituals. When you visit this part of the world in Mexico, you can still see how the Mayan today still live like their past ancestors. I will write more about this civilization in future blog posts.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013



Today the earth is occupied by human beings, however it was not always that way here on earth. Interesting enough about half millions years ago, our species did not exist and up to about 100,000 years ago that species was limited to Africa and according to scholars there were only about 10,000 individuals. 

Our ancestors had limited technology of stones tools to confront the dangers of the World had to offer. How did our ancestors: Homo Sapiens, move from such a modest role in the scheme of things to a worldwide and increasingly dominant presence?

The phase of human history during which these migrations took place according to scholars was know as the "Palolithic era." The term means "old stone age" but it refers more to a food-collection or gathering and hunting way of life, before agriculture allowed people to grow food or raise farm animals. Interesting enough, this was only about 11,000 years ago and if you think about that, that was not long ago. 

I think still today, we need to look deeper into this area of our past. We are not complete with information about our human history. This era in time of our past is a very important par of Paleolithic peoples and the initial settlement of the planet, the creations of the earliest human societies. According to Strayer, some historians think because the "Paleolithic" peoples did not have their own writings; historians identify "real history" with writing and they dismiss the Paleolithic era as largely unknowable.  I just think we need to look more deeper and search more in this area........