Still today you see the global significance in the world from the Atlantic Revolutions. They expressed ideas of republicanism, social equality and national liberation from all and any foreign rule. Abolitionists sought to end slavery and nationalists had hoped to do away with disunity and as well with foreign rule. Along with feminist tried to end or mitigate male dominance but that is still a ongoing process because of of today, it's still a male dominated country in the U.S.
All of these movements bore the marks of the Atlantic revolutions, even though they started in Europe they came to have a global significance.
One of the most remarkable things I read and never knew about was: "The Haitian Revolution, 1791 - 1804." There were about 500,000 slaves in the French Caribbean colony of Saint Domingue, now "Haiti" and was one of the riches colonies in the world due to plantation corps. It had produced 40% of the worlds sugar and about 1/2 of the worlds coffee. Whites there were only about 40,000 and given it's enormous inequalities and it's rampant exploitation, it was destined for disaster and primed for explosion.
There had been rumors of the King declaring ending all slavery in Haiti. This started the revolt within the slaves, the promise of the French Revolution's ideas was a personal freedom that threatened the entire slave labor system. The slaves themselves, burned 1,000 plantations and killed hundred of whites as well as mix-race people. This revolution was very unique to the Atlantic world and in world history. I was amazed to learned that such a small island had become the "FIRST" and "ONLY" completely successful slave revolt in world history.
The slaves became equal, free and independent citizens. They had renamed their country Haiti, meaning "Mountainous" or "rugged"
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