Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Communism & Why it Failed

At first when you think about it; why its people thought it made sense to them it was very attractive in the beginning. However, as I learned more and more about "Communism" and why it has failed for China and Russia, basically it did not give their people the ammo to grow as a nation and as an individual. They were governed in a way of how to think, talk, act and although woman reforms were a little attractive, still these countries lacked growth in their peoples. Technology and education was not celebrated and current. Basically, by closing its doors and not having new investors in their countries really impacted these communist countries. Even the communist leaders knew that private enterprise was good and when they learned of other countries/nations growing, they knew it was here to stay.

We all know that people under communism had little faith in any industrial enterprise or banks that was ran by the state. We all know that government ownership means party control. All this was a giant failure for all of us to see. I believe the main reason it failed; Communism failed because it could not proved a decent standard of living for its people, people were suppressed by the governments. People waiting in lines with vouchers for bread or food or for material was just a control factor. This had to change; the Soviet Union and China was always lagging further and further behind it's neighbors. People eventually get frustrated with their standards of living and it's in our nature to want to grow from within and better ourselves and our communities and societies and further more our countries. Of course it was going to fail..........

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Echoes of Revolution

Still today you see the global significance in the world from the Atlantic Revolutions. They expressed ideas of republicanism, social equality and national liberation from all and any foreign rule. Abolitionists sought to end slavery and nationalists had hoped to do away with disunity and as well with foreign rule. Along with feminist tried to end or mitigate male dominance but that is still a ongoing process because of of today, it's still a male dominated country in the U.S.

All of these movements bore the marks of the Atlantic revolutions, even though they started in Europe they came to have a global significance.

One of the most remarkable things I read and never knew about was: "The Haitian Revolution, 1791 - 1804."  There were about 500,000 slaves in the French Caribbean colony of Saint Domingue, now "Haiti" and was one of the riches colonies in the world due to plantation corps. It had produced 40% of the worlds sugar and about 1/2 of the worlds coffee. Whites there were only about 40,000 and given it's enormous inequalities and it's rampant exploitation, it was destined for disaster and primed for explosion.

There had been rumors of the King declaring ending all slavery in Haiti. This started the revolt within the slaves, the promise of the French Revolution's ideas was a personal freedom that threatened the entire slave labor system. The slaves themselves, burned 1,000 plantations and killed hundred of whites as well as mix-race people. This revolution was very unique to the Atlantic world and in world history. I was amazed to learned that such a small island had become the "FIRST" and "ONLY" completely successful slave revolt in world history.

The slaves became equal, free and independent citizens. They had renamed their country Haiti, meaning "Mountainous" or "rugged"

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

The Early Modern World - Spaniards and Mestizos

Interesting how the Spaniards conquered the Americas and how cruel they were to the natives, the Spanish Crown still encouraged settlers to marry into elite Indian families. Cortes, for example the conqueror of Mexico, fathered children with two of Moctezuma's daughters. This I found very interesting that during the next 300 years of the colonial era "mestizo" which is a mix of Spanish and Indian grew substantially becoming the majority of the population in Mexico in the nineteenth century.

Mestizos were largely Hispanic in culture, however the Spaniards still looked down at them. They regarded them as illegitimate for they were not born from "proper" marriages. Interesting, the mix of Spaniards with the Indians made was is now Mexico. The Spaniards treated the local natives very poorly and basically forced them to learn Spanish and into Christianity. They had to move to cities to work for wages, and their diet had changed. Maize, beans and squash was one of the Indian's main diet and is still today in Mexico. We use Maize for a lot of different foods like Tamales, tortillas, "Platillo de Maize". Still today we use these staple foods in my household. Beans and tortillas are always a must in every dish no matter what.

How the Europeans came to the Americas, and what the indigenous peoples had to go through, all the suffering, diseases, forced into labor and ripping them from their own unique world of living. To me it is very cruel. Today, even though a special set of political rights have been set by International organizations such as the United Nations to protect the Indigenous peoples, still you can see the effects of what played out in the past.

When I look back and see how human kind has been very cruel to one another just for ones own benefit and "power", I find it hard to come to a realization that, we as humans have a long way to go in just being kind to one another. As you learn about history of the world, and how humans have behaved, it just does not make sense to me. We all should be one and be kind to one another for there is only one World and we need each other to survive and evolve as humans to our next world.


Tuesday, June 18, 2013

The Renaissance in Europe

It was truly amazing to me when I read more and more about the Renaissance period in Europe and how it all came about.  I often wonder on how this happened and learning more about the artists such as Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo and Raphael whose painting and sculptures were far more naturalistic in portraying the human body. When I was visiting Rome about five years ago, I was able to see magnificent paintings and sculptures these artists have done first hand.

I often wondered why they would have religious themes to their art and only working for the churches at times. Now I know why....

The renewed cultural blossoming known to European history as the Renaissance. The blossoming celebrated and reclaimed a classical Greek Tradition that earlier had been obscured or viewed through the lens of Latin or Arabic translations.

All this began in the vibrant cities of Italy between roughly 1350 - 1500. The Renaissance reflected the belief of the wealthy elite that they were living in a wholly new era. Far removed from the confined religious world of feudal Europe. Educated citizens of these cities sought inspiration in the art and literature of ancient Greece and Rome. They were "RETURNING TO THEIR SOURCES" as they put it. Their purpose was not to reconcile these works with ideas of Christianity. The elite patronized great Renaissance artists like Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, and Raphael.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

The Mongol Clan or "Civilization"

It is interesting to me to learn how the Mongols made the most stunning entry in the thirteenth century. The Mongols basically took over the largest land-mased empire in all of "Human History."  They conquered from the Pacific Coast of Asia to Eastern Europe. Although, people don't really agree in the ways Mongols had conquered these countries. Basically it was done by submission and almost very barbaric. The Mongols did not have their own religion nor did they impose it on others. What is very interesting to me is that the basically moved around in caravans and were very wealthy in their time. Some Mongols themselves became absorbed into the settled societies they conquered. The Mongol empire lasted for 300 years. During this time Mongols used different strategies to induce enemy surrender.

Chinggis Khan, and his sons and grandsons constructed an empire that contained China, Korea Central Asia, Russia, much of the Islamic Middle East and parts of Eastern Europe. Basically Chinggis Khan had a mission to "unite the whole world in one empire." Mongol warriors were very ruthless on how they would defeat every army, capture every fort, and bring down walls of every city they encountered. The Mongols were feared but many and interesting enough they were very small compared to; for example China where there was 100 to 1 Mongol. The Mongol armies were simply better led, organize and disciplined that those of their opponents.

The Mongols were also very strict in their ways of training and how they trained their armies. They were very loyal and discipline to their leaders and how the leaders reinforced this was by making sure that; should one or two members of a unit desert in battle, all were subject to the death penalty.

As I read more about the Mongols and how they survived economically because, the Mongols themselves produced little of value for distant markets, nor were they active traders. They were smart about promoted international commerce largely so that they could tax it and thus extract wealth from more developed civilizations.  For example Chinggis Khan would often pay well over the asking price in order to attract merchants to his capital of Karakorum. They also providing financial backing for caravans, introducing the weights and measures, and gave tax breaks to merchants that would follow them to their capital.

Interesting to know that the Mongols were not a civilization but were known as a clan. However, when you really think about it the Mongols, I believe they were a civilization They had a system of their own, that worked for them and believed in.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Economic Globalization

From the famous Silk Road network across Eurasia and the trans-Saharan trade routes, this is a reminder of how world history, that exchange among distant peoples is not altogether new and our roots of economic globalization lies deep in the past. Our history of exchanging goods among communities occupying different ecological zones has long been a prominent feature of human history.

This is very interesting even today, we continue to monopolize where we can find a product or service in the world. For example, the production of particular products, in China such as silk or spices in Southeast Asia that others found valuable. It was through long-distrance trading that enabled humans and linking and shaping distant societies and peoples. Trade shaped the structure of societies and became the means of social mobility. Interesting enough that Political life also was sometimes transformed by trade. You can definitely today see that in our current society of this going on. Whether on the internet or agriculture, we are now much more sophisticated.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

When I think about Empires, it takes me to the Eurasian empires of the classical era. All of Persia, Greece under Alexander the Great, Rome and China. What was so amazing about this, is how Alexander the Great even though considerably out numbered, defeated the Persian army. How he did this is still a mystery with such few men.  I have Persian friends, and still today they talk about this moment in time about Persian what is now called "Iran."

Rome with their political system and values, took control over the western Mediterranean. Rome had brought the ancient civilizations of Greece, Egypt, and Mesopotamia under Roman domination. Including Spain, France and Britain. Rome at had reached its maximum extent. Rome went from City-State to an Empire. Amazing when I read about how this city rags-to-riches all came about. When I think about Rome today, it kind of reminds me of how America is being ran. At the end, it has been the Roman that has provided possibly the template for thinking about the "Political Life."

Monday, May 27, 2013

From Paleolithic to Ancient Civilizations

It is amazing to me how far we have come; intrigued by evolution from the beginnings of human migration out of Africa 100,000 Years ago to Ancient civilization. I'm intrigued how just in our own back yard in Santa Barbara, California we had the Chumash that lived along the coast.  The Chumash are more of a representation of those later post-Ice Age Paleolithic peoples, who settled in permanent villages. It is very important to know the history of the "Paleolithic" era. Today, we rely on agriculture and is very important today as it was back in the "Neolithic" times.

We as humans must learn to live with what the world has to offer. I believe we need to pay a little more attention in today's society on how our "World" is evolving as a planet, and what the world has to offer today. During 3000 B.C.E. - 10,000 B.C.E was the time of the first farmers and the revolution of the Agriculture. I think the world is changing and we are in interesting times. Back then the world had plenty of vegetation and not many humans. I was amazed to learn that, due to the Agricultural Revolution, this led to an increase in human population. Our climate is constantly changing and what climate takes away it gives back. Hence, we must evolve on how to find new food sources. Which leads to my next view on human kind or The emergence of Civilizations.

When I was a little girl, my father took me to a town called "Merida", this town is located in the Yucatan. While we were visiting this town of Merida, I remember taking daily walks and hikes to a certain rocky temple, as a child would describe form their view eyes. I remember, walking up this long tall stairs and what we now know it as "Chitzen Itza." All, I remember is those big red aunts walking up and down my legs... Funny, what you remember, I must of been about 7 years old. My family is from Mexico. My father is from Tizapan, Jalisco and my mother is from Mexico City. Both of my parents ancestors come from one of these "Old Civilizations", Mayan and Aztec Indian. I have always been interesting in really learning more about my ancestry mostly the Mayan. I have gone back to see more temples in Tikal and Merida. I have briefly read about the Mayan but never really knew how this civilization came to be.

What is important to me is to know is the Mayan had their own Mayan script or writing. Their calendar is very important today as it was back then. Their ancient writing is still used in the Yucatan today in remote regions. This I hold very dear to me, because although the whole Mayan civilization was almost wiped out through diseases, famine and rituals. When you visit this part of the world in Mexico, you can still see how the Mayan today still live like their past ancestors. I will write more about this civilization in future blog posts.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013



Today the earth is occupied by human beings, however it was not always that way here on earth. Interesting enough about half millions years ago, our species did not exist and up to about 100,000 years ago that species was limited to Africa and according to scholars there were only about 10,000 individuals. 

Our ancestors had limited technology of stones tools to confront the dangers of the World had to offer. How did our ancestors: Homo Sapiens, move from such a modest role in the scheme of things to a worldwide and increasingly dominant presence?

The phase of human history during which these migrations took place according to scholars was know as the "Palolithic era." The term means "old stone age" but it refers more to a food-collection or gathering and hunting way of life, before agriculture allowed people to grow food or raise farm animals. Interesting enough, this was only about 11,000 years ago and if you think about that, that was not long ago. 

I think still today, we need to look deeper into this area of our past. We are not complete with information about our human history. This era in time of our past is a very important par of Paleolithic peoples and the initial settlement of the planet, the creations of the earliest human societies. According to Strayer, some historians think because the "Paleolithic" peoples did not have their own writings; historians identify "real history" with writing and they dismiss the Paleolithic era as largely unknowable.  I just think we need to look more deeper and search more in this area........